Posted in 2019, General life

New Year, who dis?

Aah, the freshness of a new year. All the idealistic posts and blogs about resolutions and diets and being the best you you can be.

Yeah, been there, done that, broken every resolution three times over.

But the thing is, this year is going to be different.

  1. Child has started a new kinder. Drop-off is now traumatic for all of us but the educators are lovely and I love the feel of the centre. There are no bad habits from his old daycare there – we purposefully left the potty at home so he has to use the toilet there and none of the educators will cave into his tantrums to only eat bread for lunch. So, winning!
  2. I’m starting a new job at the end of the month. It’s a big promotion at a new company and it’s terrifying but exciting at the same time. It just means January is a bit of same old same old until I start but I can deal with that.

So, changes are afoot whether we like it or not. So, in the spirit of the new, I’m going to list a few things I’d like to do or do more of in 2019. Think of them less as resolutions and more of ideas:

  1. Get out for a walk before or after work more often. I walked at 5:45 this morning and it was a glorious start to the day. Let’s ignore the tantrum from the child at the idea of Mum going for a walk without him for the moment. That was not such a lovely way to start the day.
  2. Write more. Look, I’m already doing it! Perhaps not every day but more. More than nothing (which is what I did in 2018) so I’m already winning.
  3. Shop less. This is a perennial favourite but since I had my wardrobe cleared yesterday, there’s less of a reason to shop since I know exactly what I own and it all fits me. So, winning there.
  4. Be more present. I am, like many, guilty of being on my phone or laptop too much and I want to find ways to reconnect with Hubby and Child more this year. We’ll see how that goes.
  5. Read more. This goes under self-care because reading is time to myself and that is at a premium. Or rather, I’ve allowed it to be at a premium. So, read more. Don’t care what it is (no literary snobbery here) but spend more time reading.

And that’s doable I think. They’re not SMART goals; I’m refusing to quantify how many books to read or how many pages to write. Just more or less than I did in 2019.



Writer, editor, wife, mother. I snatch moments to myself to read between nappy changes, work and chasing a toddler who is determined to destroy ALL THE THINGS. Welcome.

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